Active Apprentice offers a new and unique approach to helping a business grow through taking on an apprentice. Our dedicated team provides on-going guidance to both the business and the apprentice within a supported Apprenticeship programme, ensuring businesses are matched with the right candidate and the apprenticeship programme generating real returns.
When you decide to employ an apprentice through Active Apprentice we will offer you a range of services that take the hassle out of recruitment; saving you expense and time. Your business will benefit from
the following:
Each Apprentice will receive a comprehensive programme of learning and development (circa 38 days per annum), delivered in partnership with Active Apprentice, other specialist training providers and the host employers. Active Apprentice work with partners (including National Governing Bodies of sport) to provide additional development training courses and support through mentoring. In addition, each apprentice will commit to 10 ‘give-back’ days which will be utilised by the local communities. The Apprentices will also be available to support community events, as well as major sport events and competitions. You can buy this service for either 45, 90 or 180 days for as low as £50 per day. The breakdown of a year as an Active Apprentice, would look like:
(Examples generated following National Minimum Wage)
16-17 years - £7,020 – 180 Days
18-20 years - £10,056.15 – 180 Days
21- 24 years - £14,917.50 – 180 Days
If you would like more information on any of our programmes, or any other enquiries, please fill in the contact form.
Alternatively, please call us on 01268 552218 or use our online chat facility.